Who is really Richa Anirudh any way?

Richa Anirudh is a well known journlist and at present she is working with IBN7. Her talk-show 'Zindagi Live' is very popular.

Excerpts of the interview-

Did you always have the passion to work for the media?
Ans: I have grown up in a small town, Jhansi. There was no TV till I was 9-10 yrs old. Electronic media meant Doordarshan for a long time. The funny thing was I did not want to do the same thing everyday. Whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to do, i told them that I did not know what I wanted to do but I did not want to do the same stuff everyday. I guess my creative and communication skills just kept pushing me towards media.

Tell us something about your show: Zindagi Live.
Ans: Zindagi Live is a talk-show that involves a lot of inter-personal communication and as I was considered to be a very emotional person, I was given the job. The first show was telecast on 9th of September 2007 and the show was on late divorces. Zindagi Live is a popular talk-show in IBN7 and has won many awards. The show allows people to speak and what we do is listen to them and that’s what I think communication is all about. In 6 seasons of Zindagi Live, we have dealt with almost every issue related to people and society at large

How can we tackle the issue of female foeticide in India?
Ans: That’s one issue very close to my heart. I personally always wanted to have only daughters. But I see others from educated families praying for a son. This won’t change till we, women, decide to change it. I feel the need for more awareness campaigns, more counselling sessions for parents before it becomes too serious a situation. The sex ratio needs to be corrected as soon as possible and it involves each one of us.

Your views on the over-exposure of social networking sites on children?
Ans: I still think like a small-town middle class parent and keep ayesha, my daughter away from social networking sites as much as is practically possible. It’s taking away the innocence from children, eating on their outdoor activities, putting them to risk of making friends with complete strangers. Both, me and my husband keep a tab on Ishita’s activities on social networking sites.

How should a parent make sure that his kids stay alert from child abuse?
Ans: Communication is the key. Ask your kids about their day at school, enquire about their friends, seniors and staff. I remember explaining Ishita about child abuse, I told her how to differentiate between a good touch and a bad touch. Parents need to realise that nothing is important than your child’s safety.

How many issues related to women have you raised in Zindagi Live?
Ans: Zindagi Live, at large has raised more of women-related issues. We made episodes on Female foeticide, Acid Attack, Eve-Teasing, Domestic Violence, Women Cancers, Grey Divorces, Dowry deaths, women in unusual professions, women breaking the glass ceiling, First Indian woman etc.
Zindagi Live’s two episodes - Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence won the UNFPA Ladli Media Award for Gender Sensitivity.

Overall, I feel happy and proud when I look back at my career of 12 years in the world of news and television. As a reporter, I have covered National Commission for women, NHRC , Women and Child development ministry. As a News Anchor, I have anchored various shows related to women, and as a talk show host, I have raised many women issues in Zindagi Live.

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